The absence of negative
thoughts about other people is pride, the self importance which reflects a
sense of highness to others, and if you hate others you can destruct them by
your own comments about them.
There are times that
pride is bigger than me, because I don’t say sorry even though I am the one who
did wrong. I don’t admit to myself that I am the one who is wrong in short I
let my pride ate me. I don’t even care to someone if pride attacks me.
I have read an article
entitled The Faces of Pride by Beth Azar; she clearly states that there are two
faces of pride. The first one is The Pride Expression, where lack of good
measurement. In 1960’s, Paul
Ekman and Carrol Izzard they indentify the six universal facial emotions namely,
happiness, surprise, sadness, fear, anger and disgust. The Pride Expression,
are emotion with an own facial expression are emotion have been large dismiss.
The emotion like pride, shamed, guilt and embarrassment known as uncomfortable
emotion, because they are social awareness where you need to interact with other
second one is the A double-edged sword is a problem in yourself;
on how to interact with other people. This are also have theories describing
two facet of pride the first one is productive and the other one is positive,
they linked it to narcissism and the difficulties associated with it. They
explain that the first one it behavior of your own success and the second one
is how to credit themselves.
According to Lewis in the same article, “Pride is good and
hubris is sometimes necessary to get us through. Sometimes it's good to feel
good about yourself. But, like anything when there's too much or too little,
there's pathology on both ends”
I agree in his statement because somehow pride is good because it’s just
like you have self steam, or you have something that you proud of, but in some
way it’s not because others might thing that you are boastful. All feeling have
good and bad it depend on us on how it deals with it.
According to Dr. Adrian Rogers
“Very frankly, it is the sin of pride. Pride is such
a deceitful sin. Many people who are infected and infested with pride have no
idea that they are. As a matter of fact, the proud person is often very proud
of his humility.”
agree that pride is a honest, because you say what you want to say. This is a
included in 7 capital sin. The person who proud of is a part of pride, but it
is depend on how you interpret other people.
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