Sunday, 23 February 2014

Blogpost #4: Fear : Unpleasant Emotion

Fear is an unpleasant emotion induced by a threat perceived by living entities, which causes a change in brain and organ function and ultimately a change in behavior, such as running away, hiding or freezing. Fear is when we are afraid of encountering a person or any living object or experience any events.

Fear also called phobia, phobia is when you are fear to someone. I had a research about fear.

I read an article about fear named How Fear Works by Julia Layton it says here that fear is a chain reaction from a stressful stimulus like scary stuffs and then release toxins which causes fast heartbeat, being nervous, and shaking or freezing. In this article fear starts in the brain it starts when a stressful stimulus happens or occurs to the person and  then the brain releases toxins which have different effects it's like when your knees are shaking, the feeling that you want to run away, and when you feel cold even though it's really hot
Our brain is a really the most complex part of our body. More than 100 billion nerve cells compose a network of communications. There are different kinds of responses that our brain produces first is the one which we activate manually and it is when we are under control and we know what we are doing while the other is autonomic response which means it's automatic our reaction depends mostly on the stimulus fear is an autonomic response which means we have no control over it. Fear essentially makes the body weak when scary encounters happen.

According to Julia Layton in the same article The fear response is almost entirely autonomic: We don't consciously trigger it or even know what's going on until it has run its course.”

We don’t know when we are scared until it comes out, this is one of the automatic emotions in ourselves, and it should be not to trigger this fear because how can you deal with it if you are fear to face it.

In this next article I've read entitled How the Science of Fear makes Soldiers Stronger by Kathryn Wallace. It tells us how soldiers use fear to their advantage and shows that fear can be conquered and tamed.
military in science
The USS Trayer is a ship which is use for training soldiers not only to be physically ready but also mentally. The USS Trayer is used to simulate real raids to exercise the recruits to be ready for those kinds of attack. This is also used to prevent PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder. They are avoiding young recruits to have PTSD because almost all of the war veterans have nightmares, constellation of flashbacks and severe anxiety.

According to Kathryn Wallace in the same article “It all seems so real, as if it were an actual maritime siege. But it’s not. Except for the enemy, that is. The enemy—fear—is real.

The fear we feel is real, we see something that we fear of we feel it when we are shaking. They really put in a lot of effort to make it look real and try as best as they can to make them feel what it may be during the real battle they are treating in term of training.

To sum it all fear is a emotion we feel when we are afraid to someone. Fear is just in our mind.

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