Monday, 17 February 2014

Blogpost #3: Admiration is a Feeling

“Admiration” we people have different meaning of admiration, some say it’s like crush, some say its part of love and some say it’s a feeling of pleasure. I’ve had my own meaning of admiration, it is part of our feeling or emotions, and we feel toward non moral excellence, it included respect and approval of others.

Admiration is the feeling we get when we see someone do good things like when we see an old person who can't climb up the jeep because he/she is too old we admire the person who helps the old person we don't feel bad even if we didn't help when we had the chance because someone did it for us admiration is like an excuse for us to not to have our own initiative in doing good deeds.

I read an article entitled Admiration by Sherry L. Beaumont she said there that admiration is an emotional response included pleasure, wonder and reverence. Admiration is a feeling of delighted approval and liking. There are positive and negative emotions, positive emotions believed to be unique, unlike negative emotions they focused on their specific goals and personal needs. On the other hand Haidt stated that moral emotions focused on others rather than their self-interests, they call it prosaically or goal directed behaviours that have potential benefits to others.

According to Barbara Fredrickson, in the same article, “positive emotions are believed to be unique in that, unlike negative emotions which direct one's responses toward narrow and specific goals, they offer opportunities for broadening one's thought-action repertoire in a way that promotes positive well-being by increasing one's personal resources.

In this statement Frendrickson clearly say that if you have positive emotions some believe that it is unique and true to admire someone but if it’s negative no one likes it. I believe in it because if you are in the good mood you have positive response and others will believed in you but if you are not no one will believe you.

I also read an article entitled This column will change your life: Admiration, an honourable emotion by Oliver Burkeman it clearly state that admiration is a moral emotion related to what he calls elevation it is the category n Psychology that resist the usual effort to classify all emotions as somehow selfish. Admiration is the feeling we get when others do good For Jonathan this is unusual. It delivers happiness by shifting our focus away from our own. Comparing your life to the famous, who only act what they what to show it to the public is like comparing your inside to other’s outside, but comparison is like admiration. Relationship with the celebrities sometimes can boost our self-esteem, because we feel we are closer to them if we portrait them it is called Parasocial. Wetherell suggest that we should have true admiration an emotion so intense that you can feel it thru out your body that will force you to do great deeds

According to Oliver Burke man “This column has inveighed before against comparing your life with the famous, who provide only edited versions of themselves – a classic case of "comparing your insides with other people's outsides"

Yes, we truly admire celebrities but, we should not compare ourselves to other because we've have different personalities, and aspects in life. As a public figure celebrity provides only edit version of themselves in public, they have so called off scene cam attitude. Sometimes some public figure shows them as a good figure so that many people can admire them. But we, ordinary people admire someone by physical appearance not what’s inside. In my own aspects admiration, we should not take the physical appearance only we should know what we feel towards to the other people.

To sum it all admiration is one of the feeling we encounter in our daily lives liking, it is also have crush on, it is more than friend less than lovers.  We also admire someone we see, by physically we also have emotionally admire it inloves feelings and emotion.

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