Thursday, 17 April 2014




This paper attempted to determine that there are non-biological stimuli that affect people emotions.  The researcher design used in this study is the evaluate method where in the researcher reads article the connected to the topic. The research findings are the following: 
  1. Scientist believes that emotion comes from the brain. Charles Darwin is the first scientist who theorized that emotions come from the brain.
  2. This is how emotion works. Brain is the most complicated part, but every part of the brain is responsible in every emotion. There are three major evolution of the human archipallium (reptilian), paleopallium (old mammalian) and lastly neopallium (new mammalian).
  3. Chemical cause emotions. Every second of our brains react and release chemicals. Neurotransmitter can transmit signal in the brain. There are three commonly neurotransmitter namely Dopamine, Serotonin, and lastly Norepinephrine.
  4. Chemicals imbalance makes people sad. Chemicals imbalance also known as overstress. There are two kinds of message happy and sad message this two kinds of message that our brain always receive it can affect our emotion. However if there is more stress our happy message turns to sad.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
  1. Emotions comes from the brain, every part of the brain are responsible in different kinds of emotion. The brain release chemicals and different part of the body will receive it that why their body reacts and their emotions are changes.
  2. Music is one of the non-biological that affects emotion. If the music is sad or happy the emotion of the people is also neither happy nor sad. They depend on each other. Every genre of music there is specific personality. A moderate noise is a place can people be creative but if the place is high noise level their mind can be impaired and struggle in process.
  3. Food affects emotions greatly. It has a scientific explanation. Food have carbohydrates, Carbohydrates have tryptophan’s which is responsible for the improvement of their mood every time they will eat. The more the carbohydrates will take in the more tryptophan’s are induced into their brain which makes us happy while their eat
  4. Sense of smell is the most complex and unique structure. A good aroma evokes emotions. Smell Odor and scent are powerful tool for bring back memories or emotional responses which ultimately affects people overall health.


After drawing the conclusion of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:
  1. Future researcher should use this study as a reference for their future research and for them to have easy and knowledge about emotion and feeling and how it works.
  2. Psychologist for them to know who emotion works and where it came from.
  3. For Scientist this paper will benefit them by adding in their own knowledge and prove that there are also non-biological stimuli that affect human emotion.

Electronic Media:

Jennifer Hicks. “Using Brain Signals To Read Emotion.” Retrieved March 30, 2014 from

Bryan Cohen. “What Parts of Our Brains Are Responsible for Emotions?” Retrieved March 31, 2014 from

Caitlin Uttley. “5 Ways Your Brain Influences Your Emotions” Retrieved March 31,
2014 from

Brain Chemical Messengers” Retrieved March 31, 2014 from

Belle Beth Cooper (2013) “8 Surprising Ways Music Affects and Benefits our Brains” Retrieved April 14, 2014 from

Deanna Dean (2008) “Human Behaviour and Emotions Altered by Scents.” Retrieved April 14, 2014 from

Elaine Magee, MPH, RD “How Food Affects Your Moods” Retrieved April 14, 2014 from

Monday, 7 April 2014

FINAL PAPER: Chapter 2

Chapter 2

What are the non-biological stimuli that affect people emotions?

Definition of Emotions

Emotion when defined as a phrase, according to the Oxford Dictionary emotion is “a strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others” but emotion is not just a simple term, it just have also scientific explanation.

According to James Glenwright on his article “NYU Professor Explains How Emotions Work” he clearly states that emotion is one of the difficult to define. However, in the past two decades the technology was advance that allowed the neuroscientist to assume some reason that the mind and emotion are dependent on biological reasons, but when the brain has over 100 billion neurons with millions of miles of wiring how can scientists even begin to grasp how emotion works.

The professor of NYU named Mr. Joseph LeDoux quickly explained that human emotion are represented by animals but rather to understand the term that refer to brain function and behaviour such as fight or flight responses, energy management and homeostasis.

According to Glenwright on the same article “Unfortunately, even neuroscientists are having difficulty trying to define emotion, let alone understand it. Along with the mind, emotion has been understood as an intangible part of the human psyche, transcending the realm of biological mechanisms. In the words of the 20th century philosopher Gilbert Ryle, “the body and the mind are ordinarily harnessed together, but after the death of the body the mind may continue to exist and function.”

In this article Glenwright clearly states that emotion is comes from the brain, they did some experiment on how emotion works they try it on rat. That same as mind of human.

Emotions come from the brain. However, emotions can be affected by factors outside the body. These factors will be the topic of this discussion.

 II. Non-Biological Factors that Affect Emotions

A. Music

Everyone experiences certain moments where their want to express themself in a different way and sometimes music is the best companion. Everyone loves music in every genre there are emotions behind it.

Belle Beth Cooper wrote an article entitled “8 Surprising Ways Music Affects and benefits our brain.” In this article, Copper talks the 8 ways music affects our brain. The first one is about happy or sad music affects neutral faces, Cooper clearly state that emotion are dependent to the music that people heard. If the music is not sad nor happy it is also match in people emotion.

There are 2 kinds of emotion that are related to music:
Perceived emotion: the conscious recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli that serve as a basis for understanding, learning, and knowing or for motivating a particular action or reaction.

Felt emotion: This is kinds of emotion that on we herd that is what people feel.

Cooper also talks about noise can improve creative. When people hear moderate noise people minds can be difficult in abstract processing, leading to higher creativity. However high noise level will be impaired because we’re overwhelmed and struggle to process information efficiently.

However music also predicts human personality, in ever genre of music there is specific human personality. Blues fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle and at ease unlike Jazz fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing and at ease. Classical music fans have high self-esteem, are creative, introvert and at ease, but Rap fans have high self-esteem and are outgoing. Some Opera fans have high self-esteem, are creative and gentle, however Country and western fans are hardworking and outgoing. Reggae fans have high self-esteem, are creative, not hardworking, outgoing, gentle and at ease, on the other hand Dance fans are creative and outgoing but not gentle. Somehow Indie fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard working, and not gentle, either way Bollywood fans are creative and outgoing. Rock/heavy metal fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard-working, not outgoing, gentle, and at ease but Chart pop fans have high self-esteem, are hardworking, outgoing and gentle, but are not creative and not at ease. Soul fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle, and at ease

According to Cooper in the same article “It turns out that a moderate noise level is the sweet spot for creativity. Even more than low noise levels, ambient noise apparently gets our creative juices flowing, and doesn’t put us off the way high levels of noise do. The way this works is that moderate noise levels increase processing difficulty which promotes abstract processing, leading to higher creativity. In other words, when we struggle (just enough) to process things as we normally would, we resort to more creative approaches.”

In every of music’s there is corresponding emotion. People tend to make some music that depends on their emotion. If they feel alone they write some lyrics that sad.  Some music artist are depend on their mood on what they sing. They sing it with full emotion.

B. Food

Many people believe that food helps us relieve sadness, disappointment and misery. Some people believe that this is true, some do not. Some people tend to get fat because they make food as their anti-depressant. But this is true food is one way to relieve sadness or depression this is scientifically proven.

Elaine Magee MPH RD wrote an article entitled “How food affects your mood.” In this article Magee states that the primary cause of this is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have tryptophan’s, an amino acid, which is responsible for the improvement of the mood of a person when eating the more the tryptophan entering the brain the more the serotonin is synthesized. Serotonin is also known as the mood regulator is made naturally in the brain from tryptophan with some help from the B-Vitamins.

According to Magee “While tryptophan is found in almost all protein – reach foods, other amino acids are better at passing from the blood stream into the brain so you can actually boost your tryptophan levels by eating more carbohydrates.”

The researcher states that food is really antidepressant when people are sad, eating makes people feel better, it also helps to relax and find peace with them. When people eat they experience the effect of food in their mood.

C. Scent

Women loves men especially if men are smell good and nice, men also loves women especially when woman are sweet. A scent of someone is powerful in term of liking someone. This is also important in threating other. Every scent we smell people emotion has also change. There is corresponding emotion or mood in scent.

Deanna Dean wrote an article called, “Human Behaviour and Emotions Altered by Scents.” In this article, Dean talks about sense of smell, which is the most complex and unique structure. A good aroma brings to mind emotion. The influence of roasted aroma in brain is that in changes the mRNA and protein levels. Dean also talks about smell, odor and scent are powerful tool for bring back memories or a certain emotion that responses which ultimately affects people health. Odor is paired with a learning task that can recall 50% improved. Also the smell of cinnamon and peppermint are can affects people mind and emotion it by pay attention, their recognition and working memory, visual motor response speed mood and energy.

According to Dean in the same article “The effect of scent on the human mind and its implications have not been fully researched yet, but brain scientists are now confirming what herbalists and aroma researchers have long believed; a good aroma evokes our deepest emotions. Alan Hirsch, M.D., neurological director of the Smell and Taste Research Foundation in Chicago agrees.”

People emotion or mood are also depend on what we smell if we smell disgusting people feel irritated, and if people smell good, good emotion will come soon. 

Monday, 31 March 2014

FINAL PAPER: Chapter 1


A. Background of the Study 

Scientist believes that emotions come from the brain. Whether a person feels joy, sadness, fear, or love, these feelings are said to be caused by internal chemical processes.

Jennifer Hicks wrote an article called, "Using Brain Signals To Read Emotions." In this article, Hicks talks about different efforts made by scientists believe to find which parts of the brain influences emotional changes. In the same article, Hicks talks about the first scientists who theorized that emotions came from the brain.

According to Jennifer Hicks, “Charles Darwin believed that emotions give a purpose to humans – by helping them communicate and survive. In 1884 the American philosopher and psychologist William James said an exciting fact would lead directly to a physiological response which was known to us as emotion” (

This is how emotions work.  Emotions come from different parts of the brain. Each of the brain is responsible for certain emotion.

Bryan Cohen wrote an article entitled “What Parts of Our Brains Are Responsible for Emotions? in this article states that brain is most complicated part. But brain have important role in our emotion. Amygdala is responsible for positive activities and emotions like love. On the other hand, is the hypothalamus motivated behaviours like rage and pleasure but it triggers the displeasure aversion and uncontrollable laughter hypothalamus is also more with expression of emotions, while Hippocampus this is part of people’s brain that in charge of interpreting memories and stimuli it is also for remembering emotions. Thalamus it is the centre limbic system that support the part of brain, emotional behaviour will change because of interconnectedness of the thalamus.

According to Bryan Cohen,  ”The brain is a complicated organ of the human body that is still not completely understood by scientists. The three major evolutions of the human brain over time are the archipallium (reptilian) brain, the paleopallium (old mammalian) brain, and the neopallium (new mammalian) brain”.

In other words the brain of the human evolves in overtime, there are three evolutions. Archipallium most of the cerebellum works, this type of brain is commonly see in fish. Paleopallium it is the part of the brain that evolutionarily part of the brain.

Chemicals cause emotions. Brain is a large network that reacts in every second, it has processing network that neuron and cells can transmit signals in the brain. The neuron send signals through neurotransmitter, that why some chemicals release and the other part are receiving it.

Caitlin Uttley wrote an article entitled “Brain Chemicals Dictate Your Mood”, in this article states that there are three commonly neurotransmitter namely Dopamine, Serotonin, and lastly Norepinephrine. Dopamine this is related to pleasure and rewarding. This commonly neurotransmitter reminds our mind to do it again because it causes us pleasure that our mind is happy to do it. Second, Serotonin, researcher believes that it’s regenerate the brain which has been linked to easing depression. Imbalance of Serotonin may cause an anger, anxiety and depression, lastly norepinephrine which work as managing anger and anxiety.

According to Caitlin Uttley “Abnormalities in how the brain receives and processes these chemicals can have a big effect on your emotions. For example, when you do something rewarding or pleasurable, the part of your brain that processes that information interacts with the chemical dopamine. If your brain can't receive dopamine normally, the result is that you feel less happy -- or even sad -- after what should have been a happy experience”( In short, our brain react and process such as chemical in every emotion we feel. In every emotion there are corresponding chemicals that our brain releases.

Chemicals imbalance makes people sad. Our brains produce chemicals the reason why we feel sad.

The researcher read an article entitled “Brain Chemical Messengers” it clearly states that Brain chemicals imbalance is also known as overstress. Everyday our mind receives trillion of words.  There are called happy message and sad message as long as it put balance everything will be okay, but stress may cause problem to the happy message. Even though people receive happy message throughout the day if there are too much stress the happy message will be fail. The center nerves will be receive a bad message and the whole brain becomes distress

In the addition to that the researcher also said that “OVERSTRESS makes people feel terrible. With SAD MESSAGES overwhelming the happy messages, a person feels "overwhelmed" by life. People complain of being tired, unable to fall asleep or to obtain a restful night's sleep. They have plagues of aches and pains, lack of energy, lack of enjoyment of life. They feel depressed, anxious, or just unable to cope with life.” (

Although most people believe that emotions come from the brain, the researcher observes that there are also thing that do not come from the body that affects emotion. The researcher observes that emotions can also be affected by external stimuli and are not entirely dependent on chemical processes.

Knowing what external stimuli triggers emotions, and how they affected emotions will allow the reader to better choose which stimuli they allow in their lives.

The purpose of this paper is to explain what stimuli affect people’s emotions and discuss which emotions are triggered by these stimuli. 

B. Statement of the Problem
This study aims to answer this question:
1)  What are the non-biological stimuli that affect people emotions?

C. Significance of the Study

Psychologist – This research paper benefits the psychologist buy explain that there are not only emotions.

Future Researcher – It will benefit future researcher because it will help them make their work faster and enlarge their field of knowledge in emotions this will eliminate unnecessary research. They can discover more through thus research paper. This research paper will give a new explanation of how emotions operate or work.

Scientist – This research paper will benefits the scientist by explaining that there not all emotions comes in our body there are also non-biological stimuli. This will also help the scientist determine diseases right away through the emotions of the patient because if the stimuli are a disease it can be easily identified through the emotions of the patient.

D. Scope and Delimitation
This research is about the emotions, emotion has a wide field and each people have different perspective in terms of emotion. People might relate emotion in different aspects like science, philosophy and many more.

The study focuses in non-biological stimuli things that come from the body that influence emotions. The research focuses on non-biological stimuli because most of the people think that emotion comes from the heart but they did not know the scientific behind emotions.

E. Materials and Method
The research gathered information that relevant to the study using the articles online. The researcher follows a evaluate method, that would focus and evaluate on non-biological stimuli. There will be several perspectives in terms of emotion that will also be pointed out throughout the research.

F. Definition of Terms.

1)  Archipallium – considered contiguous with the olfactory cortex, but the extent of the archipallium varies among species. In older species, such as fish, the archipallium makes up most of the cerebrum.

2)  Interconnectedness - A device used to connect two things together. Connect to each other.

3)  Limbic System - A complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and mood. It controls the basic emotions (fear, pleasure, anger) and drives (hunger, sex, dominance, care of offspring)

4)  Non-biological - Not involving or derived from biology or living organisms.

5)  Paleopallium - it is a primitive and evolutionarily ancient region of the brain

6)  Reptilian - Relating to or characteristic of reptiles

7)  Stimuli - A thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Blogpost #8: Mood Swing

Mood swing is not types of emotion this is the called where emotion or mood are rapidly change time to time. This is also symptoms of bipolar disorder. We women are prome in this mood swing.

I’ve read an article entitled How the Stars Affect Your Mood Swing it clearly state that we women when we reach the menopausal stage there are highly possibilities that mood swing attacks because hormonal changes. Astrology explains that stars are can explain why women have different mood swings. Full moon is relieving stress for us women. While new moon give good aura of calmness and serenity. Also stars give sign Capricorns are notorious in astrological circles for having an uneven temper, cancer slightest shift in the stars can cause a colossal mood swing. However, Virgo is rarely affected by mood swings; protected, as they are, from such emotional trauma by an empowering inner calm.

According to it “Astrology is said to not only predict your future, but also affect your present. Astrology can affect your personality and even your daily affairs. It works by analyzing the position of the stars, moons and planets; your mood can change depending on where they are in the sky. Read on to learn about how your mood swings may be affected by the sun, moon and stars.

Yes they are just guide but there is no scientific explanation in it. Maybe somehow they affect our future or daily lives, but no one can say it because the future is in our hands.

I also read article Chemical reactions in the brain force teenagers' mood swings by Alok Jha, irritability, recklessness, aggression and depression is the main cause of mood swing. Teenagers are experiencing very rapid rises in the level of sex hormones. So mood swings at this early stage could be caused by hormones, although there is very little evidence to prove it.

According to Sheryl Smith, on the same article. “A physiologist at the State University of New York, offer the first physiological explanation for adolescent mood swings. Previous work has focused on analyzing behavioral changes in teenagers during adolescence. Her results are published today in Nature Neuroscience.

Not only menopause have mood swings even teenager have it also. Mood swings vary on how deep the emotional feeling is in every individual. This is also explain that behavior changes when adolescence comes.

Blogpost #7: Pride = Hatred of other + Vanity

The absence of negative thoughts about other people is pride, the self importance which reflects a sense of highness to others, and if you hate others you can destruct them by your own comments about them.

There are times that pride is bigger than me, because I don’t say sorry even though I am the one who did wrong. I don’t admit to myself that I am the one who is wrong in short I let my pride ate me. I don’t even care to someone if pride attacks me.

I have read an article entitled The Faces of Pride by Beth Azar; she clearly states that there are two faces of pride. The first one is The Pride Expression, where lack of good measurement. In 1960’s, Paul Ekman and Carrol Izzard they indentify the six universal facial emotions namely, happiness, surprise, sadness, fear, anger and disgust. The Pride Expression, are emotion with an own facial expression are emotion have been large dismiss. The emotion like pride, shamed, guilt and embarrassment known as uncomfortable emotion, because they are social awareness where you need to interact with other people.
The second one is the A double-edged sword is a problem in yourself; on how to interact with other people. This are also have theories describing two facet of pride the first one is productive and the other one is positive, they linked it to narcissism and the difficulties associated with it. They explain that the first one it behavior of your own success and the second one is how to credit themselves.

According to Lewis in the same article,Pride is good and hubris is sometimes necessary to get us through. Sometimes it's good to feel good about yourself. But, like anything when there's too much or too little, there's pathology on both ends

I agree in his statement because somehow pride is good because it’s just like you have self steam, or you have something that you proud of, but in some way it’s not because others might thing that you are boastful. All feeling have good and bad it depend on us on how it deals with it.

I also read an article entitled The Problem with Prideby Dr. Adrian Rogers he clearly state that pride is an independent attitude from God. This is also the cause why some people are not praying, but this is not the real problem. The problem is thought that they don’t need it. Praylessness is the lack of devotion. If you are praylessness you are wrestling with pride. He also enumerates the attitude of being pride. These are they are irritated if they are corrected, they don’t admit mistakes, refuse to take counsel, they always compete in other people, and lastly don’t want ordinary. He also states the how pride ruins our lives, pride defiles man, we were born that has pride in us. Pride also divides society because people have different circle of friend, which is cause that’s why we don’t interact with other people.  Pride dishonor life’s, because we judge others sometimes we feel superior to other and we degrade them and because of that we destroy our soul.

According to Dr. Adrian Rogers “Very frankly, it is the sin of pride. Pride is such a deceitful sin. Many people who are infected and infested with pride have no idea that they are. As a matter of fact, the proud person is often very proud of his humility.

I agree that pride is a honest, because you say what you want to say. This is a included in 7 capital sin. The person who proud of is a part of pride, but it is depend on how you interpret other people.

Blogpost #6: Sadness: Killing Us Softly

Sadness is an emotional feeling that when you feel down, you feel lost, disadvantage somebody who don’t need you. When you feel sadness it’s indicate by crying. Sadness is one of the six basic emotions along with happiness, anger, surpise, fear and disgust Sadness is lowering the mood.

Now I feel sadness, I’m crying while typing these words I am alone in this four dark of this room, it hurt me a lot, and my heart was aching. I am empty, I’m out of word, and words cannot express what I’m feeling right now. Crying is the best way to relief the sadness, hurt and lost that I’m feeling. I don’t know what to say I don’t find the word to fit with it. The only I know is it hurt a lot and kills me. When I was going to a sadness part of my life I cry, I make myself busy so that I forget the sadness. So I decided that this sadness I feel right now is opportunity to express and be part of my blog since my blog in about feeling and emotion.

I read an article entitled  Feeling Sad Makes Us More Creative by Jonah Lehrer he state that they have an experiment they ask people to give a short speech about their dream job and some where commented on some other say positive and some say negative, but the way of comment was different because if its positive they will smile and vertical nods, and they don’t want your speech they just give a frowns and horizontal shakes. In this experiment DHEAS (dehydroepiandrosterone), deal with it an endogenous hormone that blunts the effects of stress hormones like cortisol. This DHEAS is explains the experiment impulsive mood swings and downward spirals of sadness. Finally, subjects were also asked to self-report their moods, giving the scientists a subjective and objective measurement of how they were feeling, and how the feedback to the speech had shifted their emotional state. While positive feedback cheered. And participants who received smiles and nods during their speeches reported feeling better than before. Negative feedback had the opposite effect.

According to Jonah Lehrer People who received negative feedback created better collages, at least when compared to those who received positive feedback or no feedback at all. Furthermore, those with low baselines of DHEAS proved particularly vulnerable to the external effects of frowns, so that they proved to be the most creative of all.”

This statement clearly state that if you are hurt you created positive impact because if your in hurt there is deeper stories within compared to the people who receive a positive feedback, there is just normal way.

I also read an article Sadness is good for you, scientist say by Richard Alleyne, scientists say that when someone is in hurt, they become better person. We people have easy to become happy but it is easy also to misery after losing a job, the breakup of a relationship or death of love one.  Expert fears the increasing tendency of people taking pills and that pills affect human evolution. Many people have suffered from depression in a long time. One of the four people has been suffer from depression and five percent of the population is currently living they survive the depression. Some are taking drug so that they will surpass the depression where living through and some are choose to give up.

According to Proffessor Jerome Wakefield “When you find something this deeply in us biologically you presume it was selected because it had some advantage - otherwise we wouldn't have been burdened with it. We're fooling around with part of our biological make-up”

When you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, just trust yourself because that sadness help us to became a powerful who we are now today. Sadness is just part of our life’s they are just learning to us.

Blogpost #5: Inquisitiveness is Curiosity

Curiosity is the feeling we get when we want to know more details about certain stuff. But curiosity leads us to great things. Mankind would not have achieved the things we have right now if no one was curious about this and that. Electricity wouldn't have been discovered if Benjamin Franklin wasn't curious

I have read an article entitled The Itch of Curiosity by Jonah Lehrer. Curiosity is one of the important mental habits because great things start when people are curious. Most successful people are curious giving them the motivation to find out something useful for man. For example if a person who is curious about how he/she will do everything to quench his/her curiosity. In this article also states that they have an experiment about the fMRI are an interesting it’s a neutral process of creativity. The first thing that they found is that curiosity obeys an inverted U-shaped. This experiment support the information gap theory of curiosity, by George Loewenstein of Caregie-Mellon, according to Loewenstein, curiosity is just a simple matter. When we feel a gap with the matter of we know and we want to know. In this gap, emotional enters; she said that it feels like a mental itch. She compares it to a mosquito where bite on the brain, its itch that that why we seek out knowledge and that itch he talk about is the curiosity.

According to Jonah Lehrer, in the same article "Our curiosity about the world remains mostly a mystery (According to one review of the literature, the amount of research on curiosity peaked in the late 1940s.) Einstein would not be pleased: “I have no special talents,” he once declared. “I am only passionately curious.”

This quote discuss about curiosity. I agree that curiosity is important in the development of our world. Curiosity is the central motivation. In my own perspective we people have own curiosity that’s why we experiment and seek for our own answers.

I also read an article entitled Curiosity: How Science Became Interested in Everything  by Philip Ball he used the term haute vulgarization as an perfect example it is a  French word which means high class popularization. He break down the different ideas, until he reach the 17th century with Charles Darwin wad to famous the Origin of Species. He says that curiosity was seen as risky and fated as such, and when pretty well anything of human concern was fit to study.  Even Karl Marx as shocked by Charles Darwin’s materialist view of nature as isolated survivalism in “On the Origin of Species”. Beneath Darwin’s isolated vision, however, was a childlike sense of wonder at the mysteries of the natural world and a delight in extracting order out of madness.

According to Philip Ball on the same article “curiosity appears to be under threat from the internet and “the empty immediacy of the virtual now”, writes Ball. With such a profusion of “choice” available to us on screen, the impulse to explore experimentally is in danger of being diminished. Still, the desire to know and learn will surely remain a part of what it means to be human.

In my own perspective it true because nowadays, almost all of the thing that we want to know is searchable through the internet. But we should not take advantage the internet because it our own way to choice to search it, because not all in the internet was helpful and useful. We should responsible on what we search about because not all curiosity is good, it our own choice to make our own decision in every curiosity.

Blogpost #4: Fear : Unpleasant Emotion

Fear is an unpleasant emotion induced by a threat perceived by living entities, which causes a change in brain and organ function and ultimately a change in behavior, such as running away, hiding or freezing. Fear is when we are afraid of encountering a person or any living object or experience any events.

Fear also called phobia, phobia is when you are fear to someone. I had a research about fear.

I read an article about fear named How Fear Works by Julia Layton it says here that fear is a chain reaction from a stressful stimulus like scary stuffs and then release toxins which causes fast heartbeat, being nervous, and shaking or freezing. In this article fear starts in the brain it starts when a stressful stimulus happens or occurs to the person and  then the brain releases toxins which have different effects it's like when your knees are shaking, the feeling that you want to run away, and when you feel cold even though it's really hot
Our brain is a really the most complex part of our body. More than 100 billion nerve cells compose a network of communications. There are different kinds of responses that our brain produces first is the one which we activate manually and it is when we are under control and we know what we are doing while the other is autonomic response which means it's automatic our reaction depends mostly on the stimulus fear is an autonomic response which means we have no control over it. Fear essentially makes the body weak when scary encounters happen.

According to Julia Layton in the same article The fear response is almost entirely autonomic: We don't consciously trigger it or even know what's going on until it has run its course.”

We don’t know when we are scared until it comes out, this is one of the automatic emotions in ourselves, and it should be not to trigger this fear because how can you deal with it if you are fear to face it.

In this next article I've read entitled How the Science of Fear makes Soldiers Stronger by Kathryn Wallace. It tells us how soldiers use fear to their advantage and shows that fear can be conquered and tamed.
military in science
The USS Trayer is a ship which is use for training soldiers not only to be physically ready but also mentally. The USS Trayer is used to simulate real raids to exercise the recruits to be ready for those kinds of attack. This is also used to prevent PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder. They are avoiding young recruits to have PTSD because almost all of the war veterans have nightmares, constellation of flashbacks and severe anxiety.

According to Kathryn Wallace in the same article “It all seems so real, as if it were an actual maritime siege. But it’s not. Except for the enemy, that is. The enemy—fear—is real.

The fear we feel is real, we see something that we fear of we feel it when we are shaking. They really put in a lot of effort to make it look real and try as best as they can to make them feel what it may be during the real battle they are treating in term of training.

To sum it all fear is a emotion we feel when we are afraid to someone. Fear is just in our mind.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Blogpost #3: Admiration is a Feeling

“Admiration” we people have different meaning of admiration, some say it’s like crush, some say its part of love and some say it’s a feeling of pleasure. I’ve had my own meaning of admiration, it is part of our feeling or emotions, and we feel toward non moral excellence, it included respect and approval of others.

Admiration is the feeling we get when we see someone do good things like when we see an old person who can't climb up the jeep because he/she is too old we admire the person who helps the old person we don't feel bad even if we didn't help when we had the chance because someone did it for us admiration is like an excuse for us to not to have our own initiative in doing good deeds.

I read an article entitled Admiration by Sherry L. Beaumont she said there that admiration is an emotional response included pleasure, wonder and reverence. Admiration is a feeling of delighted approval and liking. There are positive and negative emotions, positive emotions believed to be unique, unlike negative emotions they focused on their specific goals and personal needs. On the other hand Haidt stated that moral emotions focused on others rather than their self-interests, they call it prosaically or goal directed behaviours that have potential benefits to others.

According to Barbara Fredrickson, in the same article, “positive emotions are believed to be unique in that, unlike negative emotions which direct one's responses toward narrow and specific goals, they offer opportunities for broadening one's thought-action repertoire in a way that promotes positive well-being by increasing one's personal resources.

In this statement Frendrickson clearly say that if you have positive emotions some believe that it is unique and true to admire someone but if it’s negative no one likes it. I believe in it because if you are in the good mood you have positive response and others will believed in you but if you are not no one will believe you.

I also read an article entitled This column will change your life: Admiration, an honourable emotion by Oliver Burkeman it clearly state that admiration is a moral emotion related to what he calls elevation it is the category n Psychology that resist the usual effort to classify all emotions as somehow selfish. Admiration is the feeling we get when others do good For Jonathan this is unusual. It delivers happiness by shifting our focus away from our own. Comparing your life to the famous, who only act what they what to show it to the public is like comparing your inside to other’s outside, but comparison is like admiration. Relationship with the celebrities sometimes can boost our self-esteem, because we feel we are closer to them if we portrait them it is called Parasocial. Wetherell suggest that we should have true admiration an emotion so intense that you can feel it thru out your body that will force you to do great deeds

According to Oliver Burke man “This column has inveighed before against comparing your life with the famous, who provide only edited versions of themselves – a classic case of "comparing your insides with other people's outsides"

Yes, we truly admire celebrities but, we should not compare ourselves to other because we've have different personalities, and aspects in life. As a public figure celebrity provides only edit version of themselves in public, they have so called off scene cam attitude. Sometimes some public figure shows them as a good figure so that many people can admire them. But we, ordinary people admire someone by physical appearance not what’s inside. In my own aspects admiration, we should not take the physical appearance only we should know what we feel towards to the other people.

To sum it all admiration is one of the feeling we encounter in our daily lives liking, it is also have crush on, it is more than friend less than lovers.  We also admire someone we see, by physically we also have emotionally admire it inloves feelings and emotion.